All of us who have a website wish to rank well in Google search results.

Seeing our site on the first pages is a great feeling and we know that this means attracting more traffic and ultimately, more success for our business.

Article How to be on the first page of Google? You can also read further.

But sometimes, strange things happen. The site which was in the good Google rankings until yesterday, is slowly starting to lose its ranking.

This can be very sudden and annoying. You feel that all your hard work has gone to waste and you get frustrated. Well, the fact is that a site’s rank drop in Google is a common occurrence and it can have various reasons.

In this article, I want to share my experiences and knowledge with you and examine the main reasons for the site’s ranking drop in Google.

Also, I provide solutions that can help you to return to your previous ranks and perform even better than before.

Site ranking drop in Google

Why is my site down in Google?

The first question that comes to our mind is why our site is down in Google? Well, the answer to this question is a bit more complicated than you might think.

Google has a complex algorithm that is constantly changing and updating. The purpose of this algorithm is to show the best and most relevant results to its users.

But various factors can affect the rank of your site. In the following, we will discuss some of the most important reasons for the site’s rank drop in Google:

1. Google algorithm update

One of the most common reasons for a site’s rank drop is the constant updates of Google’s algorithm. Google regularly updates its algorithm to improve the quality of search results.

These updates may affect the ranking of different sites and some sites may experience a temporary or permanent drop in ranking.

For example, if Google’s algorithm focuses more on quality content, sites with poor and low-quality content will likely face a drop in ranking.

For more information on this matter, you can read the Google Dance Algorithm article.

2. Low quality or repetitive content

Quality content is the backbone of any website. If the content of your site has dropped in terms of quality, for example, the content is repetitive, worthless or incomprehensible, Google will give it less value and as a result, your rank will decrease.

  • Points to follow regarding site content:
    • Your content must be unique and original.
    • Your content should be useful and attractive for users.
    • Your content should be updated regularly.

To learn more, you can refer to the content SEO page.

3. Poor SEO

Failure to comply with SEO principles can cause your site’s rank to drop. This includes things like:

  • Lack of suitable keywords in the content
  • Improper site structure
  • Absence of internal and external links
  • Lack of optimized meta tags

For more guides, see the article What is Internal SEO? read the

4. Changes in the structure of the site

Changes in the structure of the site, such as changing the domain, changing the address of the pages, or moving the contents, can cause Google confusion and reduce the site’s ranking.

5. Using black hat techniques

Some people use illegal methods against the Google algorithm to get a better ranking in Google.

These methods are known as black hat SEO techniques . Google is fighting against these techniques and if you use these methods, you will definitely face a penalty and a drop in rank.

6. Existence of technical errors

Technical errors such as 404 errors, server down, and security issues can negatively affect your site’s ranking. Google is looking for sites that take users to their destination safely and without any problems.

In this field, reading the technical SEO comprehensive guide article can definitely help you.

7. Not using mobile friendly

In today’s world, most users use mobile phones to search. If your site is not mobile-friendly, its ranking in Google will decrease.

8. Low quality of incoming links

Backlinks are links that point to your site from other sites. Backlinks show the credibility and popularity of your site.

If the number of your backlinks decreases or low-quality backlinks and spam are given to your site, your ranking in Google will drop.

How is the impact of backlinks on Google’s algorithms? We suggest you to read more.

9. Poor user experience (UX)

Google cares a lot about the experience that users have on your site. If your site has a poor design, is not easy to navigate, is not mobile friendly or generally provides a bad user experience, Google will give it a lower score and lower your ranking.

10. High competition

If your site is in a competitive field, it can be difficult to maintain a high ranking.

11. Mobile fine

Google penalizes websites that are not optimized for mobile. This penalty can cause the site’s ranking to drop in mobile search.

For additional explanations of the article, what is the Google penalty? read the

12. Site speed drop

Site speed is one of the important factors that Google pays attention to. If your site is slow and takes a long time to load, your ranking in search results will likely drop.

Users don’t like slow sites and leave pages quickly. Google monitors this issue and does not give a good ranking to a site that provides a poor user experience.

How to compensate for the decline in the site’s ranking?

Now that we are familiar with the main reasons for the site’s ranking drop, let’s see how we can solve this problem.

  • Analyzing the reasons for the drop in rank:  Using website analysis tools, identify the reasons for the drop in your site’s rank.
  • Updating and improving site content:  Your first priority should be to improve the quality of site content. Produce unique, valuable and up-to-date content.
  • Improve site speed:  Use different tools to measure site speed and improve it. Optimize images and avoid unnecessary codes.
  • Creating quality backlinks:  Look for creating backlinks from reputable sites related to your field of activity.
  • Improving the user experience:  optimize the site design, make navigation and use of the site easier and make sure that your site is mobile friendly.
  • Keyword optimization:  Choose keywords correctly and use them in your site content.
  • Fix technical errors:  fix 404 errors, optimize server speed and update the site’s security system.
  • Competitor Monitoring:  Review competitor sites and implement similar SEO techniques
  • Make your site mobile friendly:  Make sure your site is optimized for mobile.
  • Using Google tools:  Use Google tools such as Google Search Console and Google Analytics to monitor your site’s performance.


A site rank drop can be a disappointing experience, but by identifying the cause and applying appropriate solutions, you can return to your previous ranks and be even more successful than before.

Remember that Google is constantly improving its algorithm, so you should always seek to improve and optimize your site. I hope this article has helped you understand the reasons for the drop in rank and how to fix it.

If you are still facing a drop in your site’s ranking, you can refer to our SEO services page to solve these problems.

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