In today’s world, artificial intelligence (AI) is developing rapidly and has made a significant impact on our lives.

One of the fields in which artificial intelligence is increasingly playing a role is content production .

Artificial intelligence tools such as ChatGPT and Bard are able to generate high-quality and high-volume text content within seconds. But this development has also led to questions and concerns.

One of the most important concerns is how to ensure that AI-generated content can be distinguished from human-written content.

Google and other search engines are constantly trying to detect and filter AI content. But is this really possible?

In this article, we will explore ways to write AI-generated content in such a way that Google recognizes it as human-generated content.

Of course, we have already written a comprehensive article about content SEO , which you can read below.

Content production with artificial intelligence

Focus on originality and creativity

The first and most important step to bypass Google’s detection is to create content with originality and unique creativity.

Artificial intelligence produces content based on its training data. In other words, they are actually rewriting and combining information that is already available to them.

Therefore, if we can create content with a new perspective, and with new ideas, our content will move away from the repetitive and predictable patterns of artificial intelligence.

For example: instead of writing a general article about the benefits of exercise, we can address a specific topic such as the effect of exercise on brain function in old age and create interesting and unique content by presenting our personal views and experiences.

Use natural language and human tone

Artificial intelligence in producing textual content still has challenges in using natural language and human tone.

Sometimes, AI-generated content has a dry and formal structure and style.

Therefore, if we can use different syntactic structures, slang words and terms used in spoken language, as well as emotional and emotional expressions in our content, we can make it closer to a more human and intimate tone.

For example: instead of writing the sentence studies have shown that exercise leads to an increase in general health, we can say that various studies have proven that exercise can help your overall health.

Add details and personal examples

Another characteristic of human content is the presence of details and personal examples.

As humans, we often share our experiences, feelings, and personal opinions with others through speaking or writing. Artificial intelligence does not have access to this level of detail and personalization.

For example: in an article about a trip to Europe, instead of mentioning general information about tourist attractions, you can describe your personal experiences in a particular trip and write about the memories and feelings related to that trip.

Using minor mistakes and anomalies

It seems strange, but the existence of some minor mistakes and grammatical or spelling anomalies can help Google to recognize human-generated content.

Artificial intelligence is generally trying to produce error-free content. Therefore, the presence of some anomalies can lead Google to recognize human content.

Of course, this doesn’t mean creating content that is wrong and full of mistakes. It’s just that we deliberately avoid creating completely flawless content.

Editing and rewriting content

After the initial content is generated by artificial intelligence, we need to completely rewrite and edit it.

This makes the style and tone of the content to be completely closer to the style and tone of the human. At this stage, we can improve sentence structure, add appropriate words and phrases, and remove repetitive phrases.

Use of images, video and audio

The use of images, video and audio can help increase the appeal of the content as well as help Google recognize human-generated content.

Artificial intelligence still has challenges in producing this type of content. Therefore, their use can deviate the content from the predictable patterns of artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence alone cannot replace human creativity, experience and emotions.

Recognition of content written by artificial intelligence

Frequently asked questions

1. Is it illegal to use artificial intelligence to create content?

No, it is not illegal to use artificial intelligence to create content. However, it is necessary to edit and rewrite the generated content in such a way that it is recognized as human content.

2. Can Google fully recognize content generated by artificial intelligence?

Google is developing algorithms that can recognize content generated by artificial intelligence. However, it is still not fully able to recognize all these types of content.

3. If we use artificial intelligence to produce content, will we be fined?

Currently, Google does not specifically penalize AI-generated content. However, if artificial intelligence is used to produce low-quality and irrelevant content, the content may be penalized.

For more information on the article , what is a Google penalty? read the

4. What is the best way to produce quality content that is unrecognizable as artificial intelligence?

The best way is to use artificial intelligence as an auxiliary tool.

It means to use it to generate ideas and initial content and then completely rewrite and edit it. With this, we can produce quality and human content.

We hope this article was useful for you. In today’s competitive world, the importance of producing quality and unique content is more than ever.

By using the methods presented in this article, we can use artificial intelligence as a powerful tool to improve the quality of our content while avoiding Google penalties.

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